The Myth of False MemoriesGuest article by Paul Turner and Titania MiyamotoPaul Turner and Titania Miyamoto are members of the pwylls. You can write to them at
a cognitive and social overview of traumatic memories lost and found
by Paul Turner and Titania Miyamoto
One of these notions is the idea of repression. This is the idea
that crucial, traumatic episodes in childhood can be completely
erased from memory. The other, oddly enough, was also first
proposed by Freud, in 1897. This is the notion of false memory,
which Freud called the fantasy theory. This theory holds that
these same crucial traumatic episodes are can be manufactured
entirely out of fantasy. Both of these notions derive from
misunderstandings about the nature of human memory.
In the modern world, the fantasy theory has a high level of
social legitimacy. This is largely due to the efforts of an
organization called the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. This
well organized group of White, wealthy, academics, and
professionals, including doctors and lawyers, publishes
newsletters and articles in professional journals, provides
expert witnesses for the defense of anybody who they discover has
been accused of child abuse (regardless of the plausibility of
the prosecution's evidence), and occasionally pickets or harasses
clinicians who specialize in treating survivors of child abuse or
academics who do research on authenticated cases of repressed and
recovered memory.
The repression and recovery view has no such social support.
There is no such thing as a recovered memory foundation.
Repression is mostly believed in by survivors of child abuse and
their families and therapists. Feminism, the only political
movement that addresses the issues of survivors of child abuse,
is constitutionally anarchistic, and does not believe in forming
the kind of monolithic, hierarchical, political organization that
our society prefers. To make matters worse, many survivors of
child abuse are mentally ill as a result, which lessens their
credibility considerably.
Few holders of the repression view have the academic
qualifications to become an expert witness, and even if they did,
there is no central organization to find and pay them. The only
factor that acts in favor of the repression view in the world of
Law and Public Opinion is that believers in repression are also
experiencers of repression. They speak with absolute conviction
about their experiences, regardless of the empirical validity of
their beliefs, or the verifiability of their memories.
Fascinating as they are, the political, legal and social
questions only distract scientific inquiry from asking the
research questions that must be asked before political legal and
social issues can even be addressed in an informed manner,
including: "what is the nature of human memory?"; "is traumatic
memory different than ordinary memory?"; "if so, how?"; "does any
form of human memory preserve veridical information about
traumatic events?"; and, "how can this information be
retrieved?". these questions are tricky. Much of cognitive
psychology is dedicated to answering the first in a laboratory.
The others, only a Nazi would design experiments around.
Unfortunately the answers to these questions must still be found,
even if that means leaving the lab and turning to the
experiences of actual survivors of childhood sexual trauma. This
is a difficult, ugly, and emotionally charged undertaking which
many excellent experimenters would rather avoid. Instead they
tend to like answering questions that can be answered in a nice
safe lab where everything stays replicable, observable, testable,
and ethical. One popular question of this sort is: "can you
remember something that never really happened?". this seems like
a nice innocuous research question, one that can be safely given
as an essay topic to first year psychology majors. It's even a
handy question for a lawyer to ask in court if he/she is trying
to establish reasonable doubt about someone's testimony. However,
anyone who can remember the plot to yesterday's soap opera can
answer this question. "Can you remember something that never
really happened?" has been answered for centuries. If you
couldn't we would not have fiction or mythology. That the
cognitive psychologist who first posited this question as a
research question and then did the bulk of the empirical research
on it happens to be the all-star expert witness for the False
Memory Syndrome Foundation is, of course, purely a coincidence.
The question "what is the nature of traumatic memories, and what,
if anything, is accurately recalled about childhood traumas?", on
the other hand, is shoved down the throat of every working
clinician before they even get their license by the high co-
morbidity of a history of child abuse with just about every
mental illness. However, clinical answers can be colored by the
emotional experience of being a clinician. Practitioners who deal
with more severely abused survivors hear tales of an entirely
fantastical nature told with absolute conviction. Many of today's
abuse survivors were abused during the 1960's, an era when drug
use and cult activity was not uncommon. Survivor's tales of
satanic ritual abuse, UFO abduction, and such anomalies as
fallopian consciousness may be entirely accurate if seen as
reflections of their abusers bizarre beliefs and perhaps the
drugs those abusers forced their children to ingest. However,
when embraced as veridical by empirically trained clinicians they
lend an ugly hue of unreality to all clinical observations.
Between experimentalists who cant or wont ask the questions, and
clinicians whose answers are fantastical, the actual suffering of
abused children, and the answers we need to help end it, get
obscured. Fortunately, there is a large amount of reliable data
about authenticated cases of abuse, a number of more objective
clinicians, including those who deal with less damaged clients,
and some who study larger populations, and huge body of empirical
work about the nature of memory in general. Turning to these
sources we can begin to conceptualize an approach to answering
the question of traumatic memory and its storage and retrieval.
Tulving (4) also cites the nature of the brain itself as a reason
for conceiving of memory as multiple. Memory takes place within
the structure of the brain. The human brain is an amazing piece
of wetware capable of converting raw, analog, sensory inputs from
uncountable individual neurons into the richly textured linear
narrative we experience as life, at real-time speeds, in three
dimensions, with a level of resolution that allows for home-run
hitters and virtuoso violinists. All the while, it simultaneously
records enough of the information it is processing to repeat or
reproduce the experience later at will. That recording is memory.
If a single mechanism is responsible for all of those levels of
nuance and detail, it has to be a mechanism akin to the mechanism
by which all information stored on any computer anywhere is
encoded as simple binary patterns of open or closed
microcircuitry, or perhaps the mechanism by which 48 chromosomes
map the entire range of human diversity. While understanding this
code could be quite handy for building robots, or designing
artificial intelligence, the average human has a much greater
need to understand how to utilize his/her emotional and cognitive
software without damaging his/her self, others, or the
environment we need to sustain us. At that level, memory is
Another variant of this task is called stem completion. In stem
completion, the first three letters of the word are used as a
fragment (e.g. Concept=con____). The exact same stimuli can
then be used for an explicit test called graphemic cued recall,
where the first three letters are used as a cue for recalling the
word. Using these paradigms, researchers (6) were able to
establish stochastic independence between explicit and implicit
recall performance for the exact same stimuli, with the only
difference in the two conditions being the instructions. The same
experiment also showed intact priming in amnesic subjects, who
are incapable of conscious recall.
Implicit memory itself appears to be, at least functionally,
multiple. For example, the combinations of muscle movements that
go into making a simple facial expression are some complicated
that the most sophisticated computers we have cannot even
recognize them, much less duplicate them. The average human,
however learns how make facial expressions sometime during
his/her first year of life and never forgets. This memory of how
(7) is preserved even in people with Korsakov's syndrome and
other organic brain disorders. As far as human experience goes
this kind of memory is something different than repitition
priming for words. Tulving's (4) model of human memory is a
mono-hierarchical structure, with this procedural memory forming
its base. His next two levels, semantic and episodic memory, are
both explicit. Apparently, Tulving views all implicit processes
as being some form of procedural memory. According to Tulving,
procedural memories can only be acquired through overt behavioral
response to the environment.
If we consider sensory processing as a behavior, this
generalization can include priming and other perceptual
phenomenon. Schacter (8) takes the view that implicit learning
takes place as a result of modifications of perceptual processes
in response to stimuli. Both of these theoretical constructions
imply that implicit memory is only activated by actual events
that happen to the body.
A separate implicit system working directly off of sensory input
would help explain the superiority of recall of pictures over
words (9). The sensory processes involved in forming a mental
image of the picture are considerably more complicated than those
involved in decoding a word. This in turn leads to a higher level
of implicit excitation, giving the memory of the picture the
advantage of being stored in more of the brain. The same logic
extends to the superiority of picture/sound combinations over
either pictures or words independently (10). More sensory input
leads to more implicit activation leads to superior recall.
Implicit memory is not effected by performing a secondary task at
the time of encoding (5), or by level-of-processing manipulations
(6). This implies that implicit memory takes place entirely
independent of conscious focus of attention. This would tend to
make it less susceptible to post-event cognitive distortion. In
all, we seem to have an implicit memory that functions alongside
our consciousness, is encoded directly from sensory input, is
extremely durable, even in brain damaged individuals, and is not
susceptible to conscious alteration. This implicit system
functions in several different ways, including priming and
procedural memory. Some theorists posit that these differences
are differences in process rather than different systems (11),
but these distinctions are irrelevant to our questions about
traumatic memory. What is relevant is that any event, including
any traumatic event, will be encoded by both the explicit and the
implicit memory, and that the implicit memories will be coded
directly from sensory input, invulnerable to mental manipulation,
and extremely durable.
First of all, one time distinctive traumas are less subject to
"memory loss", but they do suffer some post event distortion.
Secondly traumas involving abuse by primary caregivers and close
relatives are more likely to be repressed. Finally, repression
appears to be one of a large cluster of symptoms which covary
with the intensity and nature of the trauma in question. Some
victims experience no symptoms at all, and no syndrome, or
precise identifying pattern of symptoms, has been found that
definitively identifies survivors of abuse.
Lenore Terr (12) has made a number of observations about how
children remember traumatic events. Her studies include
examinations of normal children who experienced traumas, like the
children in the famous Chowchilla school-bus kidnapping, as well
as her clinical clients, many of whom are survivors of chronic
child abuse. Terr concludes that singular traumatic events are
remembered quite well. Somedistortion or deletion happens to the
details, but, on the whole the memory remains clear, conscious,
and distinctive. Victims of chronic abuse, on the other hand, are
more prone to forget or repress. To Terr this is an indicator
that "repression" is a learned skill(12). If the episodic memory,
where repression takes place, is, in fact, more of a narrative
for creating personal and social meaning, this conclusion makes a
lot of sense.
Chronically abused children have the same need to feel that they
live in a meaningfully predictable world, and can trust their
caregivers to protect them, that all children have. However, they
also have to deal with incoming data, the abuse, that contradicts
and negates these notions of safety, stability and trust which
are vital for healthy emotional development. In order to form a
functional schema for appraising emotional relationships in their
life, they must find a way to ignore this data. It is hardly
surprising, then, that they later decide to believe in a life
story that also excludes it. Milton H. Erickson (13) discusses
this process in detail in a series of clinical case studies he
did in 1938 concerning the reversal or retraction of legal
Chronic abuse implies that the abuser has regular, private access
to the child. In other words, the abuser is either a close family
member or trusted caregiver. L.M. Williams (14) conducted a study
of 129 women with emergency room records indicating that they had
been sexually abused in childhood. Thirty eight percent of these
women had no memory of the abuse incident 17 years earlier. If we
view the episodic memory as a narrative, the difference between
women who "actually" don't remember and those who "just say" they
don't remember becomes irrelevant. Because of laws requiring that
Child Protective Services investigate emergency room visits that
appear to be the result of child abuse, information about the
perpetrators was included in the hospital records. Among the
women with abused by strangers, the portion of recallers to
forgetters was 82% to 18%. Among those abused by family members
the proportion was 53% to 47%. J. Freyd (15) also came to the
conclusion that repression is related to abuse by family members
in her 1996 overview of confirmed cases of repression. Her
theory is that the emotional damage done be the element of
betrayal causes the repression phenomenon. This idea fits nicely
with the idea that repression occurs as a result of needing to
leave certain information out of the developing child's episodic
life-story narrative.
Williams also found that the intensity of the abuse,
contextualized in terms of penetration versus nonpenetration, was
a predictive factor in the repression of the abuse memory. More
intensity made for less memory. A recent survey of 45 studies of
symptoms in abused children (16) found similar patterns. These
researchers found that penetration, frequent abuse, use of force,
and a close relationship between the perpetrator and the victim
were strongly positively correlated with the intensity and number
of symptoms. While these studies do not directly address adult
recovery of repressed memories, repression is clearly a symptom,
and it fits the pattern. These authors suggested four
interrelated factors in the development of symptoms by abused
children: traumatic sexualization, betrayal, stigmatization, and
powerlessness. All of these factors relate directly to the
child's developing appraisals of self and world. We base these
appraisals on a schema derived from our episodic,
autobiographical memories. Thus a purely cognitive model of
repression is possible. Some memories generate cognitions which
are destructive to the developing schema, so we remove them from
the narrative on which we base that schema, our internal
autobiography, which cognitive scientists like to call the
episodic memory. The actual memories are deleted from the
narrative, not from our brains. The mechanism for this deletion
is cognitive, and, as Terr points out, can be learned. Powerful
and secret psychodynamic forces and other Freudian speculations
are not necessary.
The nature of the experimental situation and the subject pool
presents substantial challenges the generalizability, internal,
and ecological validity of this experimental paradigm. As far as
our implicit processes (or systems) are concerned, the sensory
data from sitting in a lab in one condition are much the same as
the sensory data for sitting in a lab in another. The
misinformation acquisition paradigm does not actually test the
subject's ability to remember the difference between a true
situation and a false narrative. Rather it tests the subjects
ability to discern which of two stimuli the experimenter has
decided is the "truth". In a real life context, this is
comparable to trying to remember the difference between two
television shows. In both situations the rememberer has very
similar sensory inputs corresponding to the situation for both
conditions, in one the first case, two stimuli in the same lab,
and in the other two stimuli in the same living room. In neither
case does the stimulus in question have any bearing on the
subjects emotional life. The episodic memory seems to be closely
connected to our emotional schema, so this is likely to be highly
relevant. Considering the amount of violence in the media in
general, to call the violence in Loftus' experimental stimuli
emotionally arousing is a dubious assertion at best. Bringing it
all into perspective, the fact that I can't remember which
episode of "the X-Files" the character of "the Smoking Man" was
introduced in, has absolutely nothing to do with whether I can
remember my father whacking my best friend on the head with a
rock and killing her.
Survivors of child abuse apparently handle their episodic memory
somewhat differently than most people, so any experiment
exploring episodic memory should distinguish those subject with
traumatic backgrounds from those without. Otherwise, a limited
symptomatic after-effect of trauma, effecting only trauma
survivors, could appear to be a characteristic of a percentage of
normal episodic recall. Despite the fact that the eternal subject
pool, college students, contains survivors of abuse, this
screening process is not part any of the hundreds of
misinformation acquisition protocols. The conclusions drawn from
these experiments are likely, then, to reflect these memorial
symptoms. Specifically, the 30- 40 % (16) who misremember details
in Loftus' lab may, in fact, be abuse survivors who are complying
with the authority figure of the experimenter by matching their
episodic narrative to the one the experimenter seems to prefer.
It is possible that child abuse survivors in courtrooms are being
accused of false memories because child abuse survivors in
laboratories acted on their accurate procedural memories of how
to deal with authorities without being punished.
Studies which deal with loss of detail in memories for
emotionally disturbing stimuli (17) that do not include long term
follow through to determine if those memories ever actually
return, may, in fact, be laboratory instantiations of repression
in action. Studies that involve entire emotional narratives (18)
that have been falsely implanted only prove that we can be
"suckered" by a plausible but nontraumatic narrative. Trauma
refers to a disorder. Any story that could cause a disorder would
not be ethical to use in an experiment. Even if a traumatic
narrative could be used it would only create a type I trauma, and
we already know that memories of type I trauma may contain
spurious details. Artificially instilling one would only show
that type I traumas are handled at the same level as nontraumatic
narratives. In all, the experimental data supporting the false
memory theory can be pretty much summed up as being either a
description of replicable, observable and testable experimenter
effects, or irrelevant proofs of the obvious. None of it is
generalizable to type II traumatic memories of child abuse, which
are, after all, what the fuss is all about.
One instantiation of procedural memory is another Freudian
construct, the transference. Freud's transference is the concept
that certain early relational patterns, especially those that
involve the primary caregiver, transfer to other relational
contexts and are repeated throughout life. In cognitive terms,
transference is a procedural memory of the relationship we had
with our primary caregiver that serves as a template or schema
for later relationships. Transference patterns have been found to
be present, durable, and robust in both clinical and non-clinical
populations (19, 20). In real life these patterns drive the
experiential phenomenon of abuse survivors ending up in abusive
relationships, and non-survivors finding themselves repeating
themes in their relationships.
Kendall-Tackett et al(15) found much higher rates of sexual
symptoms in sexually abused children. Terr (13) has observed that
many trauma survivors re-enact their trauma on some level. These
findings imply that the procedural memory is engaged in traumatic
Procedural enactments like transference and symptoms help us to
determine if a given individual has experienced a trauma. In the
social/legal context, this can eliminate a certain amount of
falsehood. Memories of events that never happened produce
narratives, but no procedural enactments. In other words, an
entirely false memory is easy to spot, it won't have accompanying
behavioral components. However, while there seem to be some
correlational patterns between the nature of the abuse and the
symptoms (15), no identifying syndrome for child abuse has been
Some abuse survivors show no symptoms whatsoever. Procedural
enactments can lend plausibility to the notion that a given abuse
memory is accurate, but they are a long way from proof.
Eileen Franklin Lipsker is the unquestioned cover-girl for the
whole controversy over repressed memory. Her recovered memories
put her abuser in jail, for murder. Her case is a good example of
the ideas we've been discussing in action. Her mother and her
sister both testified that her childhood environment was fraught
with violence and abuse(13). This makes her a type II trauma
survivor, the type most likely to repress. Her life history
contains promiscuity and prostitution, both potentially
behavioral re-enactments of childhood sexual abuse. During the
years right after the murder she had a symptom of pulling out her
hair in exactly from the area on her head corresponding to where
Susan Nason's head was crushed by the rock. According to her
testimony she retrieved the memories while looking
at her 6 year old daughter. Photographic evidence presented at
George Franklin's trial shows that Eileen's daughter Jessica, at
6, looked almost exactly like her murdered friend Susan Nason.
The retrieval, then, could have easily been cued by repetition
priming of the implicit memories of the events in question. Her
recovered narrative is also highly plausible. George Franklin is
a violent man, as his wife's hospital records show. Eileen's
memory is of a simple act of mundane violence, by a violent
individual, using a rock. No aliens or satanic cults here. Eileen
Franklin Lipsker is a plausible survivor, with plausible
procedural re-enactments of abuse, and a corroborated abusive
background. Her recovery of the memories in question was
triggered by an understandable implicit mechanism, repitition
priming. Her narrative is realistic, fits the known facts about
the murder, and contains no fantastical elements. All of the
clues line up. It is easy to see why the jury decided to
The Franklin case is unusually plausible, but some recovered
memory cases are unusually bizarre. Each case must be decided on
its individual merits. To accomplish this, a largish group of
independent judges could go through the remembered testimony
after being informed by experts on the nature of memory. In
America, we call that a jury trial. The whole idea behind juries
is that if you can convince twelve of your peers that your
telling the truth, you probably are. Included in this social
compromise is the knowledge that the system is fallible. The laws
of Evidence would not have allowed George Franklin to be given a
death sentence on the testimony of one eyewitness, The jury
system is designed to deal with the fact that witnesses do not
always tell the truth. A wholly false memory is no different, in
this regard, than any other lie.
This bring us to one of the more disturbing questions of this
whole issue. Just exactly what is the False Memory Syndrome
Foundation trying to accomplish? Obviously if recovered memories
never convinced a jury, there would be no such organization. What
the False Memory Syndrome Foundation is fighting, then, is not
the fact that survivors of abuse take their abuser to court on
the basis of their recovered memories, but the fact that they
sometimes win. These victories have two major social
implications: a) they create a judicial precedent and in turn a
social climate which leans towards zero tolerance of child abuse,
and, b) they mean that repeatedly and brutally abusing a child
until that child is forced to repress his/her memories is no
longer a means of escaping conviction. The False Memory Syndrome
Foundation, then, is dedicating to preventing these changes in
our society from coming to pass, and maintaining the status quo,
wherein it is very difficult to convict for domestic violence,
rape, and child abuse. This difficulty is due in part to the
focus that has been placed on studying the one kind of human
memory which we know is easily distorted, rather than on how a
jury might be able to find some level of truth in recovered
testimony. To bring it all into context, if George Franklin had
been serving a term in jail as a wife-beater and baby-raper, he
would not have been available as a suspect, or a perpetrator in
the murder of Susan Nason. The False Memory Syndrome Foundation
is dedicated to preserving, and even strengthening, the social
structures that kept Franklin's wife and children from reporting
him, or getting a conviction. If we, as psychologists, are
concerned with social issues and the injustices of the jury
system, we would do better to try to handle the problems of young
African American males, who are far more likely to be convicted
and serve hard time than White males convicted of the same crime,
rather than focusing on a few wealthy White professionals, who
might be serving time on the basis of a recovered narrative with
a few spurious details in it.
1). "The Aetiology of Hysteria"; Freud, S.; in "The Freud
Reader"; P. Gray ed; 1989; W. W. Norton, NY, NY