Ethics Complaints Filed Against FMSF Board Member Elizabeth LoftusJournal article by Treating Abuse TodayThanks to Alex Constantine for providing this article.
The following article appears in Treating Abuse Today magazine,
November-December 1995/January-February 1996 (a special double issue). Contact info for Treating Abuse Today is:
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In December 1995, two women filed ethics complaints with the American
Psychological Association (APA) against Elizabeth Loftus, PhD, regarding
her published statements about two legal cases involving delayed memories
of sexual abuse. Citing procedural considerations, however, the APA has
declined to investigate the women's ethics complaints.
Jennifer Hoult (a concert harpist living in New York) and Lynn Crook (a
Washington State consultant) each filed separate complaints with the APA,
alleging that Loftus mischaracterized the facts of their legal cases in
published articles. Both women brought successful civil suits because of
the sexual abuse that the fathers (and the mother, in Crook's case)
perpetrated against them during their childhoods. At their trials, they
presented corroborative evidence that met the requirements for judicial
proof of their allegations.
Loftus serves on the Scientific and Professional Advisory Board of the
False Memory Syndrome Foundation, Inc (FMSF). She also had been an active
member of the APA since 1973, but she resigned in January 1996, shortly
after the filing of the complaints. In a brief telephone interview with
Treating Abuse Today, Loftus confirmed her resignation from the APA, but
she denied any knowledge of the ethics complaints. She also cautioned that
Treating Abuse Today should not state or imply that she resigned from the
APA to avoid investigation of the ethics complaints.
When the ethic complaints were filed against Loftus, Jeffrey N. Younggren,
PhD chaired the APA Ethics Committee. During his tenure in this position,
Younggren appeared as an expert witness in many trials involving so-called
"false memory syndrome," generally as a witness for accused perpetrators
or against therapists accused of implanting "false memories." At the time
Hoult and Crook filed their complaints, Younggren and Loftus were both
working as expert witnesses on the same side of the same case. When asked
about this coincidence, however, Loftus stated that she had no knowledge
of the fact, because she worked on many cases simultaneously and didn't
always know which expert witnesses were scheduled to testify in any
particular case.
Responding to a query from Crook regarding the relations between Loftus
and Younggren, Marguerite Schroeder, a senior investigator in the APA
Ethics Office, stated that, if Younggren had faced such a conflict of
interest, he would have recused himself from the matter. She further
stated that Younggren hadn't been made aware of the ethics complaints
against Loftus, and so had played no role in the decisions regarding them.
According, however, to the Rules and Procedures of the APA Ethics Office,
"complaints are evaluated initially by the Chair of the Ethics Committee
[Younggren] and Director of the Ethics Office" ("Rules," 1992, p. 1614).
Crook and Hoult filed their complaints on or before December 18, 1995, and
Loftus submitted her resignation on January 16, 1996. In her response to
Crook's query, Schroeder offered no explanation as to why Younggren hadn't
been informed of the two complaints, even though they were filed nearly a
month before Loftus's resignation.
According to both Crook and Hoult, Schroeder stated that APA policy
generally bars the resignation of members when they're under the scrutiny
of the Ethics Committee. Schroeder, however, further stated that Loftus
hadn't yet come under the Committee's scrutiny, and that she hadn't been
informed of the complaints against her, even though Crook and Hoult filed
their complaints nearly a month before Loftus submitted her resignation.
Based on these procedural considerations, the APA Office of Ethics
declined to investigate the ethics charges. Schroeder told Crook and Hoult
that it's "unusual" for a member to resign in the timeframe between
receipt of a complaint and a committee decision regarding appropriate
action. When such a resignation does occur, however, Schroeder indicated
that the APA no longer has any authority to pursue ethics complaints
against the member.
Both Hoult and Crook have contested the APA's decision. In a strongly
worded letter of objection to Schroeder, Crook argued that APA policy
clearly bars the resignation of a member under the scrutiny of the
Committee. She asked that the APA immediately rescind Loftus's resignation
and proceed with an investigation of her complaint. Hoult asked for the
same actions, as well as asking the Ethics Office to send her the
procedures for filing an ethics complaint against the Ethics Committee.
A review of the APA's published guidelines regarding investigation of
ethics complaints seems to bear out the objections lodged by Hoult and
Crook. Information provided to complainants states that "the date of
filing is the date on which we [staff of the Ethics Office] receive the
correctly complete APA [ethics complaint] form" (APA, 1995, p. 2, emphasis
added). The Rules and Procedures further state, "Plenary ethics
proceedings against a member are initiated by the filing of a complaint"
(APA, 1992, p. 1 622, emphasis added). These two statements taken together
would seem to indicate that Loftus came under the scrutiny of the Ethics
Committee on the date of the filing of the complaints, and thus the APA
should have barred her resignation, as stated in the Rules and Procedures.
In her complaint, Hoult alleges that Loftus used distortion and
misstatement of fact to seriously misrepresent Hoult's legal case. In 1988
Hoult brought a civil suit against her father, alleging that he had raped
and otherwise sexually abused her throughout her childhood. After several
years of legal wrangling, the case finally went to trial in June 1993. On
July 1, 1993, the jury returned a verdict in favor of Jennifer Hoult,
awarding her $500,000 for the suffering caused by her father's incestuous
abuse. All higher courts have upheld the jury's decision, including the
first circuit appellate court. When Hoult's father petitioned the US
Supreme Court, his petition was rejected as untimely. At some point during
all these proceedings, Hoult's father joined the FMSF.
In the March/April 1995 issue of SKEPTICAL INQUIRER (a publication of the
Committee for the Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal, or CSICOP),
Loftus published an article titled "Remembering Dangerously."
Subsequently, this article appeared as a resource document on separate
Internet home pages maintained for CSICOP, for the FMSF, and for Loftus at
the Department of Psychology, University of Washington. In the article,
Loftus reviews a number of high-profile cases involving delayed memories
of child abuse. The introduction to the article, giving a cartoon view of
the legal process, indicates Loftus's general approach to the cases she
Of the several cases reviewed in the article, Loftus includes "the case of
Jennifer H" (p. 26). Though Loftus ostensibly offers Hoult a degree of
anonymity by using an initial for her last name, she actually identifies
Hoult by citing the case (Hoult v. Hoult) in the article. In an interview
with Treating Abuse Today, Hoult stated that Loftus's article distorts her
case through a broad range of unethical practices. Among others, Hoult
asserts that Loftus misrepresents her competence, expertise, and personal
motivation to speak as an expert on trauma and abuse. As many others have
already pointed out, Loftus has never worked as a clinician and thus lacks
training or clinical experience in child psychology, trauma, the processes
of traumatic memory, the evaluation of alleged sex offenders, and child
sexual abuse generally. In this regard, Hoult alleges that Loftus violated
a number of APA ethics guidelines, including the need for truthfulness and
candor, misuse of influence, and making claims outside the area of her
Hoult also alleges that Loftus used mischaracterization and omission of
facts to misconstrue Hoult's legal case against her father. She pointed
out many inaccuracies that support this allegation. In the article, for
instance, Loftus claims that "Jennifer was a 23-year-old musician who
recovered memories in therapy of her father raping her from the time she
was 4" (1995, p. 26). Actually, Hoult began to remember the abuse at 24,
at which time she was an artificial intelligence software engineer.
Records in the case show that the bulk of her memories emerged outside of
therapy. Furthermore, Hoult never stated that the rapes began when she was
four, a "fact" apparently created by Loftus for the purposes of her
In another passage, Loftus claims that Hoult "remembered one time when she
was raped in the bathroom and went to her mother wrapped in a towel with
blood dripping" (1995, p. 27). A review of court records, however, shows
that Loftus has added two elements of her own making: the memory of the
rape itself (the trial transcript shows that Hoult never claimed to
remember a "rape") and the blood-soaked towel (again the transcript shows
that Hoult only reported a small amount of blood between her legs, which
wasn't visible to the mother until Hoult dropped the towel from around her
body). Hoult argues that these misstatements by Loftus put her in
violation of several APA ethics guidelines, among them ethics in media
presentations and ethics regarding matters of law.
In October 1991, Lynn Crook brought a civil suit against her parents based
on her delayed memories of childhood sexual abuse perpetrated by her
parents. Loftus testified as an expert witness for the defense. On March
4, 1994, the judge in the case ruled in Crook's favor, awarding her
$149,580 in damages against her parents, who chose not to appeal the case
to any higher court.
In the January/February 1995 issue of PSYCHOLOGY TODAY, Jill Neimark
published an article titled "It's Magical. It's Malleable. It's . . .
Memory." In her article, Neimark quotes Loftus, who gives an abridged and
(according to Crook) seriously distorted account of her case against her
father. In this part of the article, at the heart of Crook's ethics
complaint, Loftus summarizes the legal case as follows:
In an interview with Treating Abuse Today, Crook stated that Loftus's
79-word direct quote describing her case contained nine misstatements.
"Loftus reworded events I recalled, and incorrectly claimed that a
'fantastical' memory had resulted in my filing this case." Crook pointed
out, for instance, that Loftus contradicted her father's own sworn
testimony that his health was "excellent." Crook also argues that Loftus
should have pointed out that she (Crook) won the case, after presenting
evidence that included testimony from two of her sisters who also
remembered incestuous abuse perpetrated against them by their father.
Among other ethical concerns, Crook alleges that Loftus introduces the
idea of memory progression ("from . . . to"), even though this claim had
failed to hold up during the trial itself. During Crook's trial, Richard
Ofshe, PhD, another prominent FMSF board member who testified for the
defense, claimed to see a "progression" in her memories that called them
into doubt. The judge in the case specifically dismissed Ofshe's attempt
to cry "false memory" based on memory progression:
Finally, Dr. Ofshe characterizes plaintiff's memories as a progress toward
ritual, satanic cult images, which he states fits a pattern he has
observed of false memories. It appears to the Court, however, that in this
regard, he is engaging in the same exercise for which he criticizes
therapists dealing with repressed memory. Just as he accuses them of
resolving at the outset to find repressed memories of abuse and then
constructing them, he has resolved at the outset to find a macabre scheme
of memories progressing toward satanic cult ritual and then creates them.
(Lynn Crook v. Bruce Murphy and Lucille Murphy, Superior Court of the
State of Washington In and For the County of Benton, #91-2-0011-2-5)
Despite the judge's statement, rendered from the bench, Loftus resurrected
the "progression theory" in the PSYCHOLOGY TODAY article. According to
Crook, Loftus should have indicated that her opinion had been rejected by
the court, and that her failure to do so constitutes a violation of APA
ethics guidelines dealing with truth and candor.
According to Crook, Loftus also transformed another memory, her
recollection of the event involving the horse. In the quoted passage,
Loftus does seem to imply that the memory involving the horse emerged as
an elaboration and distortion of Crook's earlier memory involving her
father, an implication that Crook denies. Crook also points out that
Loftus omitted important information given by the veterinarian who
testified during the trial. Though Loftus chose to present the possibility
of anal penetration of the horse as a wholly fantastical absurdity, the
veterinarian (who testified for the defense) pointed out that it's a
common practice in veterinary medicine.
Crook told Treating Abuse Today that she hopes Loftus will be asked to
corroborate all cases that she reports to the media. "I'm dismayed," she
stated, "that Loftus would use her position as an expert witness in my
case to try to prove to the public that I was yet another victim of
'repressed memory' therapy." Crook further stated that PSYCHOLOGY TODAY
should have contacted her to check the facts of the case before they
published Neimark's article.
While researching this story, Treating Abuse Today contacted the
magazine's editor, Hara Moreno, to ask about the magazine's formal
fact-checking policies. Oddly, Moreno became extremely hostile. She
demanded to know "on whose authority" we had undertaken our investigation.
She further stated that we didn't "know anything about anything," and that
she would only speak with the APA about the ethics complaint. We tried in
vain to get Moreno to understand that we didn't want her to discuss
Crook's complaint, that we only wanted to know the formal fact-checking
policy of PSYCHOLOGY TODAY. We never did get an answer. The editor of
SKEPTICAL INQUIRER never returned our call to discuss that magazine's
fact-checking policies, despite a promise from Brian Karr, the executive
director of CSICOP, that the editor would speak with us.
In "Remembering Dangerously," Loftus warns that "supposedly de-repressed"
memories could "trivialize the genuine memories of abuse and increase the
suffering of real victims who wish and deserve, more than anything else,
just to be believed" (1995, p. 29). Hoult argues that Loftus used her
scientific credentials in an unscientific effort to trivialize her
memories of violent abuse. "I've proven the charges against my father in a
court of law," Hoult stated, "before a jury of his peers. I am believed,
by my family and my friends." Hoult went on to say that she expects
ethical treatment from people who call themselves scientists, including
Loftus in fact cites scientific considerations as the reason for her
resignation from the APA. In her letter of resignation, she claims that
the organization had "moved away from scientific and scholarly thinking."
Loftus further stated that she had decided to resign "to devote her
energies to the numerous other professional organizations that value
science more highly and more consistently." During her tenure as an APA
member, Loftus served "as President of two distinguished divisions
(Experimental Psychology and Psychology/Law)," a fact she points out in
her letter of resignation.
Alice Eagly, PhD, who presently chairs the APA Board of Scientific
Affairs, expressed puzzlement over Loftus's abrupt resignation from the
APA. Eagly dismissed Loftus's attempt to draw a "global judgment"
regarding APA's commitment to science. She pointed out that the APA
fosters a great many scientific endeavors, and that it publishes the
premiere scientific journals in psychology.
Loftus stated in her resignation letter that she resigned largely because
of the increasing drift of the APA "away from scientific and scholarly
thinking and . . . towards therapeutic and professional guild interests."
The APA, however, recently approved the FMSF as a continuing education
sponsor, [for more information on the APA's action, please see "APA
Approves FMSF as CE Sponsor" in the same issue of Treating Abuse Today
(Vol 5 No 6/Vol 6 No 1).] and one of Loftus's colleagues on the FMSF
Scientific and Professional Advisory Board (Ulric Neisser, PhD) also
serves on the APA Board of Scientific Affairs. Neisser declined to comment
on Loftus's resignation. Treating Abuse Today sent written requests for
comment to the other members of the Board of Scientific Affairs; with the
exception of Eagly, none responded.
Peter Freyd, PhD, co-founder of the FMSF, issued a puzzling Internet
statement (February 8, 1996) regarding Loftus's resignation. Under the
subject heading, "It's their stupidity, stupid," Freyd stated:
From his brief statement, Freyd appears to endorse Loftus's claim that
the APA no longer holds a strong, consistent commitment to science. The
APA, however, recently recognized Freyd's organization as a continuing
education sponsor, a move that many see as evidence of Loftus's claim that
the APA has indeed moved away from science by entering into a partnership
with an organization (the FMSF) that promulgates pseudoscience. Pamela
Freyd, PhD, the FMSF executive director, declined to comment on the ethics
charges filed against Loftus and her resignation from the APA.
American Psychological Association. (1995). INFORMATION FOR INDIVIDUALS
FILING APA ETHICS COMPLAINTS [Brochure]. Washington, DC: Author.
American Psychological Association. (1992). Rules and procedures. AMERICAN
PSYCHOLOGIST, 47, 1612-1628.
Loftus, E. (1995, March/April). Remembering dangerously. SKEPTICAL
INQUIRER, 19, 20-29.
Neimark, J. (1995, January/February). It's magical. It's mystical. It's .
. . memory. PSYCHOLOGY TODAY, 28, p. 44-85.