CAN YOU REMEMBER SOMETHING YOU NEVER EXPERIENCED?(like a world without child abuse?)Guest article by Paul TurnerPaul is a member of the pwylls. You can write to them at
There seems to be little or no doubt that it is possible to remember
things which one has not experienced. Repeated experiments (Loftus 1989,
p. 607) have shown that memory can be significantly altered by postevent
misinformation. As we will see, however the results of these experiments
are frequently used to answer questions on which they have no bearing,
namely: "what is the validity of repressed memories of childhood sexual
abuse (CSA)", or, more to the point: "Am I to believe that my friends,
colleagues, and other respected members of my peer group are capable of
committing atrocities?".
The standard misinformation acquisition experiment goes as follows
(Loftus, 1989, p. 609): First, subjects are shown a series of 79 slides
depicting a story in which a robbery takes place. Then, they read a
description of the events in the slides which, they are told, was written
by a professor who watched the same slides closely. The text contains
either neutral or misleading information about four particular items in
the slides. For example the text might say "he placed the stolen
calculator under a tool" for the neutral condition, or "under a
screwdriver" for the misleading condition, when in fact the tool in
question is a hammer. After a 10 minute filler activity, subjects are
given a test of some sort, either forced choice or yes/no answers,
depending on the study, about all of the items pictured in the slides,
both the test items and the controls, about which accurate information is
given in the text. The test results are then subjected to statistical
analysis with regard to variables such as accuracy and confidence level
(measured by response time).
These experiments, however, say nothing about repressed memories of CSA.
For one thing, because the interval between information acquisition and
testing is only ten minutes, the test only applies to short term memory,
not to the long term autobiographical memory (Baron 1994, p234), where
memories of CSA would be stored. Further, the subjects in the experiments
are likely to be in a state of little or no arousal, and the objects they
are asked to remember have no relevance in their lives. The
psychophysiological reality of CSA victims is a very different story,
especially with regard to memory. CSA survivors dissociate more frequently
and profoundly than the normal population (Putnam and Trickett, 1993, p.
84), and show signs of dissociative state dependent learning (Putnam and
Trickett, p. 88, Baron, 1994 pp. 228-229). Also there is evidence of
hormonal changes in survivors of CSA (Putnam and Trickett, pp. 89-90). All
of these factors are likely to have a profound psychological, and even
neurological, effect on the storage and retrieval of memory, and they are
not addressed at all in misinformation acquisition studies. Clearly to
generalize from these studies to repressed memories of CSA is more of an
example of confirmatory bias (Loftus 1993, p. 530) than of sound research
"The Reality of Repressed Memories" (Loftus, 1993, pp. 518-535) is often
cited (eg. Baron, 1994 p. 233) as an authoritative work in this field, so
it will serve as an example of the rest of the 'evidence' in denial of the
truth of repressed memories. After giving us a graphic description of the
"living nightmares and broken hearts" (Loftus 1993, p. 520) of the accused
perpetrators, Dr. Loftus follows with eight pages, half the manuscript, of
anecdotes. She makes no attempt to ascertain the prevalence of the
therapeutic practices described, and nowhere does she indicate any
possibility that the clients' memories she so graphically depicts might be
true. The remainder of the text consists of statistics without any
indication of sampling criterion, except one "small, non-random sample",
and reference to misinformation experiments as discussed above. It is
important to remember, at this point, that Dr. Loftus is considered a
careful researcher, and a moderate in the dispute over repressed memory.
In 1994, however one study was published which may shed some light (L.M.
Williams, 1994, pp. 1167-1176). In 1970, a group of 129 girls (ages 10
months-12 years), who were admitted to the hospital due to sexual assault,
took part in a survey. Details of the sexual assaults were recorded, along
with interviews with the girls, and hospital records. 17 years later,
these women were interviewed about their memories of the original
incident. Care was taken to make the estimate of forgetting as
conservative as possible (Williams,1994, p1169). Women who recalled the
abuse but placed it at the wrong place in their life history were
considered to have recalled the abuse. Still 38% had no recall of the
original incident. Of the women who remembered, another 16% said that they
had no recall at some time in their life (Williams, 1994,p1170).
Forgetting was more common among the younger women (the 2-4, and 4-6 year
old, at the time of abuse, age groups) and among those whose perpetrators
were well known to them, or family members (Williams, 1994, p. 1171).
However, forgetting took place in all age groups and categories. The
"recovered" memories were found to be no less accurate than the
continuously held ones (Williams, 1994, p. 1184). So, there is, at least,
some solid evidence that memories of CSA are in fact suppressed in some
manner, and can be recovered with as much accuracy as those not
This leaves us with an interesting quandary. Critics decry the theory of
repressed memory as having only anecdotal evidence to support it (Loftus,
1993, p. 519). Yet these same critics have only anecdotal evidence to
support their denial. Similarly, Dr. Loftus, the moderate, derides
repressed memory supporters for making an unsupported claim that the women
in the Williams study are amnesiac, and in the same paragraph makes an
equally unsupported claim that these women are experiencing ordinary
forgetting (Loftus, 1994, p. 1178).
Others claim that data which indicates that 35% of subjects will
misremember after exposure to misinformation (Loftus, 1989, p. 615) proves
that all recovered memories are false. Such a condition of hypocrisy is
supposed to induce cognitive dissonance, so why doesn't it? The answer may
lie in social psychology. The vast proportion of the people being accused
of child abuse, by recovered memories, are in the same peer group as the
researchers; middle aged, successful, and with high standing in their
communities. On the other hand, the survivors of CSA are the same age as
the researchers' children, and frequently have severe behavioral problems
like borderline personality disorder, depression, and even multiple
personalities. This sets up an in-group/out-group dynamic that is only
excacerbated by the fact that the few psychologists who believe in
repressed memories are clinicians, while those who deny are researchers.
The disturbing implications of believing survivors of CSA also have an
effect. Until recently CSA was considered a rarity (Williams 1994,p1185).
Current surveys place the prevalance of CSA at over 25% (Putnam and
Trickett, 1993 ,p. 82). More victims means more perpetrators, so, one of
one's friends and acquaintances is almost certainly a secret child
molester if one is a member of the generation of the survivors' parents, a
difficult concept to accept. So, we see that answering the question of
whether a memory can be false is much more complicated than proving or
disproving a simple theory, and has implications in personal and social
psychology as well as research.
Loftus E., "The Reality of Repressed Memory", American
Psychologist, May 1993, pp. 518-535
Loftus, E., Donders, K., Hoffman, H.G.,"Creating New Memories that
are Quickly Accesed and Confidently Held", Memory and Cognition,
1989, volume 17, #5, pp. 607-616
Loftus, E., Garry, M., & Feldman, J.,"Forgetting sexual trauma:
What does it mean when 38% forget", Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology, 1994, #62, pp. 1177-1181
Loftus, E., Hoffman, H.G., "Misinformation and Memory: the creation
of new memories", Journal of Experimental Psychology, General,
1989, volume 118,#1, pp. 100-104
Putnam, F.W., & Trickett, P., "Child Abuse, a model of Chronic
Trauma", Psychiatry, 1993, volume 56, pp. 84-92
Ross, C.A., Multiple Personality Disorder, Diagnosis, Clinical
Features and Treatment, 1989, John Wiley and Sons
Terr,L.C., "Childhood Traumas, an outline and overview", American
Journal of Psychiatry, 1991, volume 148, pp. 10-20
Williams, L.M.,"Recall of Childhood Trauma: a prospective study of
womens memories of child sexual abuse.", Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology, 1994, #62, pp. 1167-1176
Williams, L.M.,"What does it mean to forget child sexual abuse: A
Reply to Loftus, Garry, and Feldman", Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology, 1994, #62, pp. 1182-1186