Magic & Mystery in Tibet by Alexandra David-Neel. With all the talk floating around about "tulpas" in multiple personality, soulbonding and walk-ins, we figured it was time to post Madame David-Neel's lovely text in its entirety. Learn the history and origins of these practices from the brilliant, courageous Belgian woman who was accepted as a student by some of the greatest Tibetan masters.
Spiritual Practices
Hoodoo: LuckyMojo Hoodoo is not Voodoo/Vaudon. It's folkloric, object-oriented spiritual practices based in African and Afro-American tradition. LuckyMojo is an excellent source for detailed texts on the history, background and how-to. Come here for all your amulets, herb charms, floor washes, anointing oils and spiritual baths. Lists of other stores, catalogues & information. Ouija Museum Note new and improved site. A method of divination that has been around in one form or another for thousands of years. Contemporary talking boards and planchettes for automatic writing started in the late 19th century as an experiment of the early Modern Spiritualists, a religion that's still around today.
There's also the The Pathfinder Board, which has a general sort of eclectic, New Age takeoff on Plains Native American spiritual themes.
I Ching The art of generating random events (tossing coins or straws) and then interpreting the results as a kind of small working model of your personal universe at present. - Mysticism, art, the science of consciousness expansion, altered states - intelligent, reasonable discussion. Archive edition of, Internet Archive. I will occasionally update this or you can find recent editions at See also the Deoxy mirror site at jacobsm. Deoxy periodically goes down and revives. Deoxy has been around for a long time and was several underground magazines and journals before that. You might recognize several of the writers, especially Terrence McKenna -- they were influential in the psychedelic movement.
The Rainbow Family Rainbow people are something like hippies in their idealism and search for truth in nature. They gather periodically on public land and in natural settings to join in prayer for peace on earth. Everybody welcome.
Spirit Writings at -- see also Spirit Writings at Online Books For centuries men and women have been unexplainedly inspired to speak and set down on paper words that were "not their own...."
Sacred Music
Gabriel says: Sacred Harp music never fails to remind me of the wild mystery of what the real God must be. Go into it with the awareness that these are not regular hymns. They are set in a weird choral pattern based on minor fifths that are said to originate in 18th century English choral music and Irish folk tunes but I am betting go back further than that and which have very little to do with Christianity as most people think of it.
"These little ones believe in me. It would be best for the person who causes one of them to lose faith to be thrown into the sea with a large stone hung around his neck." Mark 9:42
There really is incontrovertible proof of a highly efficient worldwide pedophile ring including highly respected members of society and a conspiracy by higher-ups to protect them. It's called the Roman Catholic Church.
The Catholic Church has become, or has embraced, the world's largest pedophile ring. This was, and continues to be, uncovered by journalists and insider whistleblowers. Similar activities are being uncovered in Protestant churches including Fundamentalists and Evangelicals.
Entire film online. For decades, a priest and his deacon molested almost every child in the Alaska Native town of St. Michael, and many other Alaska Native villages. And got away with it.