Many Voices, Announcement from Lizabeth Casada Tribute to Lynn Wasnak, and A New Resource for Abuse Survivors
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A Life After Trauma, Holding Space To Welcome Survivors
Lizabeth Casada is not a member of Astraea Group. She is a separate individual who is doing a lot of hard work to make this happen. "A Life After Trauma" should open sometime in 2018. You can communicate with Lizabeth through A Life After Trauma or her Facebook page.
In December of 2014, I began a Facebook group called A Life After Trauma because I couldn't find an online group for those of us who are ready to move past the trauma and enjoy our lives. I began building a website for A Life After Trauma (ALAT) in the beginning of 2015.
When I finished my therapy and integration in 2011, I was on my own. I had a whole new life ahead of me and no direction. I wished I had somewhere or something that would have given me a list of options. I was left asking myself, "what now?" I began A Life After Trauma website to answer that question. I hope to launch the website in February. In it will be listings of online support groups, meet ups, conferences, helpful websites, phone apps, books, blogs and tools for you to use to begin to move past your trauma. The launch of ALAT isn't the ending.
There are thousands more who are still waiting to feel like someone understands them and that they are not alone. The work to reach those who are starting out or don't have access to help is just beginning. So I am starting an online community called Holding Space. I see it as a place where we can exchange ideas, talk openly about trauma, PTSD, and living with DID without the worry about security in social media.
Since Many Voices isn't continuing, I'd like to organize a tribute to Lynn Wasnak and her work with Many Voices on A Life After Trauma's website. I am asking all the writers and artists that were touched by Lynn and Many Voices to help me pay tribute to her great work!
I am accepting submissions for the tribute to Lynn now. If you would like to be a part, send your submission to: Or you can mail your submission to me at:
Holding Space
PO Box 51552 Bowling Green KY 42102
Be sure to include written permission for me to use your submission!
There is much more to come! Thank you for your continued support. Together, the spirit of what Lynn created with Many Voices will live on in what we build together as we are Holding Space for each other in love.
Much love,
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