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Pamela Huey: Testimony of Selves Ruled Admissible in Minnesota Minneapolis Star Tribune, August 27, 1997. This is one of several cases in which persons in a multiple system have been sworn in separately to testify in court.

Dr David James: Multiple personality in the Courts: A Review of the North American Experience Dr James is with the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, London. Extremely detailed and very much worth reading. Find out what the legal and medical professions currently think of us: and read this commentary by Amorpha^Azusa, on the use of multiplicity as an excuse for irresponsible and criminal behaviour.

Jacqueline & Bob Kanovitz with James Bloch: Witnesses with Multiple Personality Disorder Pepperdine Law Review, vol. 23, issue 2, 1996.

Pat McClendon: A lot of articles about multiple personality and criminal responsibility may be found on Pat McClendon's Clinical Social Work Database.

Jennifer Radden: Am I My Alter's Keeper? When multiples commit crimes, who is responsible? Is it really possible for one person in the group to commit crimes while the others remain completely unaware? Does multiple personality ever occur in the absence of mental illness or problems such as depression? Note: Like most of the articles in this section, this is real MPD-as-illness stuff, with the idea that anyone who is multiple has "something wrong and dysfunctional" about them no matter how well the group gets on.

The Sarah Trial Our coverage of the case of the Minnesota collective who brought statutory rape charges against Mark Peterson in 1990.

Truddi Chase (& The Troops) died March 10, 2010.
Click here to read their obituary and sign their memorial guestbook.

Lynn& Wasnak 1945-2013

Who decides who is "crazy"? Read about mental health professionals calling for major reforms to the DSM-5.

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* Naomi Rhode, Sybil's closest relative, verifies her story
* Nancy L. Preston - Sybil's Friend
* Interview with Nancy Preston

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Truddi Chase (& The Troops) died March 10, 2010.
Click here to read their obituary and sign their memorial guestbook.

Astraea's Web
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