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Astraea ArticlesWe welcome your comments! Please click here to email us.
Who decides what our reality is? Shouldn't it be up to the people having the experience to define it?
Why We Fight Anthony Temple says: Because I detest institutions that permit reality only to a chosen few.
Why Activism? We strive to educate the public because other people tend to make it their business -- "You need HELP" -- when you come out multiple. By Anthony Temple.
Astraea Watchbird Our media review column. Portrayals of multiples on TV and films. You can contribute!
'Multiple' Lyrics Can you tell if a musician is multiple by examining lyric content? Chris Akanora has this comment.
Validation and Language in Multiple Personality Anthony Temple talks about why people who are having a genuine experience that can't be fully described or categorised under any of the existing terminology often come to feel that their experiences are not valid; that they are weird, strange, or crazy.
How do we know this is our truth? Anthony Temple refutes arguments by well-intentioned survivor multiples who believe we are deluding ourselves when we claim that abuse did not cause us to be multiple.
The Kaycee Nicole Thing by Anthony Temple. How does this Internet scandal affect multiples? Maybe not in the way you might think.
Multiplicity Is Natural An inquiry by Anthony Temple.
Social Perception and the Media by Anthony Temple and Jade Greenwillow. Tired of United States of Tara and Sybil telling us what we are, or worse still, telling the general public what we are?
On Integration Just some thoughts on integration, by Anthony Temple.
How To Fake An Integration By Jay Young.
No More... By Anthony Temple. "There is no MPD/DID except in the minds of doctors who cannot understand that multiplicity is as natural to us as being a singlet is to them. Calling multiples disordered for having many selves is like calling Native Americans disordered for having a culture and language different from those of the white man. It is just as prejudicial. It is a denial of our existence."
Removing Diagnostic Labels By Anthony Temple. As a diagnosis, MPD/DID does not help multiples in the long run. Doctors and insurance companies make $$$ off us but are WE helped?
If This Has Happened To You by Bluejay Young. This is about abusive controlling relationships.