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Astraea's Politics:

Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Trans, Queer & Pride Links

Gay marriage is now FEDERALLY LEGAL IN ALL 50 STATES!

Victory Fund Help elect LGBT and LGBT-friendly candidates!

State Tax Filing for Same Sex Couples From TurboTax. Recommended by one of our readers! There is also Whether to Wed, A Legal & Tax Guide for Same Sex Couples.
GLAD - Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders Supporting equal rights under the law.

Young People

Oasis Writing community for queer and questioning youth comprised of online diaries, essays, poetry and artwork.
OutNation On-line LGBT forum community where people can join discussions or debates, make friends, and chat.
Be Yourself A brochure for young people wondering if they might be gay.

I think I might be bisexual...
I think I might be gay...
I think I might be a Lesbian...
I think I might be transgender...
Gays In The Media Helping to normalize the public image of who a GLBT person is.
Empty Closets Safe chat for GLBT people who are just coming out.
Remembering Matthew Shepard
Gay Teen Resources A personal site explaining things in a simple way for parents as well as gay teens.
Astraea The other Astraea... the National Lesbian Action Foundation. A source of financial support for organizations and projects that are lesbian-led and/or lesbian focused.

Sexual and Gender Abuse Issues

On May 4, 2004, David Reimer committed suicide. Reimer, 38, was the victim of the infamous "Bruce/Brenda" study which was used to prove that gender was solely a matter of attitude and conditioning.

Female Genital Cutting and Mutilation: Networking and Education

Female Genital Mutilation in America An article from the New York Times. Speaks frankly & openly on a subject that has been covered up for many years. Don't ever let anyone tell you that this only happens in Africa and Asia. Touted as a cure for everything from masturbation to UTI's, a preventative for infertility and lesbianism or just to "look more normal". Ain't it lovely?

Martha Coventry: Making the Cut Gives you some background. Is this still going on? Yes.

Martha Coventry: Tyranny of the Aesthetic It isn't always a question of being intersexed.

Peter Feibleman: "Natural Causes" A piece of short fiction loaded with genuine facts.

Doctors Against Circumcision Putting an end to routine male circumcision.

Cut babies and the horror of sex A history of male circumcision and why we think it's "healthy". (This website has many wonderful articles on censorship, homosexuality and culture.)

Transgender & Beyond

Barbara J. King, Why We Need More Than Three Genders Male, female and third gender or gender-neutral are not enough. Nor is this "some 21st century liberal-progressive agenda, as it is sometimes painted. Spending some time with this interactive map shows that fluidity in gender roles is and has been evident in societies around the world. A nonbinary perspective is neither new nor Euro-American."

With that in mind, also read The Emergence & Danger of the 'Acceptable Trans* Narrative by Drew Cordes. While we take issue with Cordes' idea that we must "go find" trans people who do not fit the "accepted" narrative, as if they had no voices (they're definitely speaking and writing) this article spells out very clearly why the idea of transgender cannot be limited to two polarities, or a certain income bracket, social class or race.

We have fought for twenty years to change the 'accepted narrative' for multiple personality because we knew so many multiples who simply didn't fit the psychiatric standard. This is the same thing.

What if It’s (Sort of) a Boy and (Sort of) a Girl? The story of Cheryl Chase, the founder of the Intersex Society of North America whose mission is to end shame, secrecy, and unwanted genital surgeries for people born with atypical sex anatomy.

Supporting Boys or Girls When the Line Isn’t Clear More parents are leaving their kids alone on this. It's not easy, but it's past time for it to happen.

What's so bad about a boy who wants to wear a dress? This brought our attention to the fact that there is an internet community of these parents.

And here it is: Pink Is For Boys

PRINCESS DARTH. Man, this is just great.

The Child Who Simply Knew Parents support gender reassignment for their son who knows she is a little girl. This story needs to be publicized, reprinted everywhere possible.

And so does this.

Title: 10,000 Dresses
Author: Marcus Ewert
Publisher: Seven Stories, Nov. 2008
ISBN: 1583228500

Bailey's been having some amazing dreams about beautiful dresses. She visits a palace with dresses made of stars, flowers, ribbons -- some even have windows to faraway lands and other worlds. But when Bailey tries to share her vision, nobody wants to hear it. "You shouldn't be dreaming about dresses -- you're a BOY." What's a girl in a boy's body to do?

Support also needs to happen for little boys who like "girl" things and girls who like "boy" things without being either gay or transgendered. There are boys who happen to like pink tutus and mermaids, and girls who like tool boxes and powerful action heroes. Is that really outside the realm of psychiatric reality?

Title: My Princess Boy
Author: Cheryl Kilodavis
Publisher: Aladdin 2010
ISBN: 1442429887

Go to the Kilodavis family's website for much more.

Drop the Barbie! Does your little girl play with fire trucks? Does your little boy like to collect pink ponies and wear nail polish? According to your friendly neighborhood mental health professional, your child has a mental disease! He's gender-atypical! (or, more kindly, "childhood gender nonconformity"). Traditionally, these kids are institutionalized, drugged and conditioned in sometimes brutal programs to cure them of something called Gender Identity Disorder. As you can see, this idea is starting to change among some parents. Will the shrinks catch on?

A 'Real Boy' and Not A Sissy A history of the psychiatric view of gender and masculinity. Extremely revealing.

Michelle Dawson (the autism advocate): ABA Treatment for "Gender Disturbed" Children This treatment was part of the UCLA Feminine Boy Project. These "feminine boys" were supposedly suffering in terrible pain. (Well, from being bullied, yeah...) So did Ivar Lovaas (yes, THAT Ivar Lovaas) do research on bullying or try to change society to accept "feminine" boys? Nooooo. The answer was to put them through Alex's aversive behavior conditioning in A Clockwork Orange. This is not for the squeamish.

Did you know the Bible SUPPORTS gay clergy and gay marriage?
This book by a Presbyterian reverend explains it all!

Title: Jesus, the Bible, And Homosexuality:
Explode the Myths, Heal the Church
Author: Rev. Jack Rogers
Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press, 2006
ISBN: 0664229395

Amazon.Com: In a powerful new book, evangelical theologian and former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Jack Rogers argues unequivocally for equal rights in the church and in society for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. Throughout history, he observes, Christianity has moved towards ever greater openness and inclusiveness. Today's church is led by many of those who were once cast out: people of color, women, and divorced and remarried people. He argues that when we interpret the Bible through the lens of Jesus' redemptive life and ministry, we see that the church is called to grant equal rights to all people.....


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