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No Longer A Mind Of Our Own Neuroscience is well on its way to proving that animals have memories, emotions, and psychology more similar to humans than previously supposed. Take that, Descartes. |
Title: The Race To Save The Lord God Bird Author: Philip Hoose Publisher: Farrar Straus Giroux 2004 ISBN: 0374361738 Ivory-billed woodpeckers, once thought to be extinct, have been found in central Arkansas as of 2004. These birds were deliberately put to death by the hundreds of thousands in the 1800s so that women could wear them on their hats; a precious few existed in Louisiana in the 1940s before a "development" company drove them out. The destruction of the ivory-bill is a microcosm for everything that's being done to the environment by our use of non-sustainable energy and agriculture. This book was written for young adults but appeals to everyone. You might also read The Grail Bird. (Let's just hope the bird's loyal fans don't love it to death; some completely genuine sightings have gone unreported because the people who saw the bird didn't want ten zillion people stampeding into the swamps.) |
Title: The Human Nature of Birds Author: Theodore Barber Publisher: Penguin, 1994 ISBN: 0140234942 Until recently, modern science has attributed animal behavior solely to instinct and genetic programming. Barber, director of the Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences, challenges that view. Six years of total immersion in avian studies have led him to conclude that birds are capable of thoughtful judgment and are intelligently aware. |
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Title: When The Elephants Weep Author: Jeffrey Masson with Susan McCarthy Publisher: Delta, 1996 ISBN: 0385314280 Yes, this is the same Jeffrey Masson who wrote Against Therapy and The Assault on Truth. Animals do in fact lead emotional lives, according to Masson. He has managed to find hundreds of anecdotes from the published works and field studies of such noted behaviorists as Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, and Cynthia Moss that support his theory. It seems that, despite the fact that anthropomorphism is among the worst of scientific taboos, these respected scientists cannot help but notice the similarities between human and animal behavior. |
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